
The merciful dreamchasers

A diary written by the generation of '92 on Pamēt。

Sample text

Natsume Soseki/I Am a Cat

I am a cat. I don't have a name yet.
I have no idea where I was born. All I remember is that I was crying in a dark, damp place. This was the first time I saw a human. I later heard that the human was a student, the most vicious species of human. I heard that these students sometimes capture us, boil us, and eat us. However, at the time I didn't think anything of it, so I didn't feel particularly scared. I just felt fluffy when I was placed on his palm and lifted up lightly. I think the first time I saw a human was when I calmed down a little on his palm and looked at his face. I still remember the strange feeling I had at that time. First of all, his face, which should be decorated with fur, was smooth, like a kettle. I met many cats after that, but I have never met one with such a deformed face. Not only that, the center of his face was protruding too much. And from time to time, smoke would puff out of the hole. It felt like he was choking and he was really weak. It was only around this time that I finally learned that this is what humans smoke.
I sat comfortably in the palm of the student's hand for a while, but after a while he started to drive at a very fast speed. I didn't know if it was the student or just me who was moving, but my eyes started to spin around. It made me sick. Just as I was thinking that there was no way I would survive, I heard a thud and my eyes started to burn. I remembered up until that point, but no matter how hard I tried to think about it, I couldn't figure out what was going on.
Suddenly, I noticed that the student was gone. Not a single one of his many siblings was to be seen. Even his mother, who was so important, had disappeared. Moreover, unlike the previous places, it was suddenly bright. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I thought something was wrong with him, so I crawled out slowly and found that it was in a lot of pain. I was suddenly thrown from the straw into the bamboo grass.

I am a cat
20**/01/01 up
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